All Butterflies, which are insects , are classified under the Latin name of Lepidoptera.

The species identified under this name are all put into groups according to the type,
wing shape, size, body shape and antenna length etc.
Hesperiiddae…Skippers….rare and some protected by law.
Papilionidae….Birdwings(All protected by law), Swallowtails, Apollos, etc.
Pieridae………Orange tips, Yellows, whites, brimstones, sulphurs, etc.
Nymphalidae…Rajahs, maps, emperors, admirals, vanessas, fritillaries, etc.
Brassolidae….Owls etc.
Satyridae…….Browns and satyrs etc.
Danaidae…….Tigers, crows, paper lace, etc.
Morphidae……Morphos……some protected.
Amathusiidae..Palm kings, jungle glories, jungle queens, fauns, saturns, duffers, etc.
Lycaenidae.(A very diverse and challenging group to study and set)..Hairstreaks, blues, coppers, etc.
Heliconiidae..Helicons, etc.
Acraeidae….Acraeas etc.
Libytheidae…snouts etc.
Nemeobiidae….Metalmarks, judies, etc.
Ithomiidae……ithomiids etc.
These groups of butterflies are grouped into six zoogeographical regions.
These are:: Nearctic…U.S.A. and Arctic area.
Neotropical…….South America
Oriental…China, Japan, Indonesia etc.
Australasian…….Australia and New Guinea…..
Oriental and Australasian are classed as one area named…..Indo-Australian.
Enjoy collecting and studying these magnificent species from our perfect insect world and always purchase from suppliers that support insect breeding systems. This will ensure the species live on to give our world hope, color, peace and purity.
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